1、Read the Book
Revive your soul and face the facts—straight from the source! Quite plainly, lady, just read the book…
It’s straight-forward and friendly. He didn’t lose your number, his work schedule isn’t THAT crazy and he’s not hospitalized with amnesia.
It could just be that…He’s just not that into you.
End of story. His loss.
2、Put on a Happy Face.
3、Countdown for the Movie!
4、Technology sure has made the dating game a tad bit trickier, eh?
So what do you do when you haven’t heard from him in awhile? Cave in and show him you’re still interested? Or delete his number and pretend like you never knew him to begin with?
Trust your gut.
5、Pink Roses Make Everything Better
One day Prince Charming will buy you pretty flowers for no reason at all. Until then, buy your own and spruce up your pad…and your spirits.
6、Work Out
Take that pent up anxiety out on a punching bag.
You’ll relieve stress and feel better about everything after a good workout. It’s a win win situation.
7、Girls Night Out
Lean on your best gal pals and have a blast. Paint the town red, dance the night away, take plenty of pics and celebrate being fabulous!
8、Guys Come and Go...Girlfriends are Forever!
Hang up your dating hat…at least for a little.
9、Why, why, why???
Grab a notebook and pour out your anguish-filled soul on paper. Make up excuses for why things didn’t work out with Mr. Not-Quite-Perfect.
Better yet…don’t.
He’s so not worth the ink.
10、Facebook Stalk Him
Fight the urge to check out recent wall posts, examine new photos and scroll through his friends list to get the most up-to-date happenings on his life.
Seriously, don’t torture yourself.
Un-friend that fool and carry on!
11、Retail Therapy
When in doubt, shopping is a great distraction. Don’t bomb out your bank account, though!
Even window shopping can be therapeutic.
12、Take a Hike!
L.A. has some gorgeous views…take it all in and appreciate every day.
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